June 21 - 22, 2007::Innsbruck (Austria)
*Microlearning 2007*
...is discussing the impact of microcontent-based technologies and practices on the way we will be living, working and learning in the years to come. The emerging *new digital micromedia ecology* calls for the design of innovative experiences, processes and technologies: personal and dynamic, casual and volatile, but still complex and effective.
*Microlearning 2007*
...brings together international experts and leaders from different fields to discuss the impact of microcontent-based technologies and practices: teachers, educators, and learning technologists; academic scholars, consultants, and corporate practitioners; information architects, software developers, and experts in mobile telephony and data services.
*Call for Papers*
We invite papers and posters to present new visions and analysis, innovative concepts, projects, and best practice results related to the impact of the emerging new digital micromedia ecology on the acquisition and construction of information and knowledge. This includes, but is not restricted to, the following topics:
* *The future of classroom- & course-based learning*
* *Transformations of knowledge*
* *Information workers & knowledge workers*
* *Mobile learning & mobile information*
* *Evaluation of digital learning systems*
We invite research papers (ca. 6 - 8 pages), short papers (4 - 6 p.) or posters (2 - 3 p.). After undergoing peer-review, accepted papers will be published digitally and on paper until June 10, 2007 in the Conference Proceedings (Innsbruck University Press).
January 31, 2007: Deadline for long/short papers and posters
February 21, 2007: Notification of Acceptance
March 30, 2007: Final papers & posters (camera ready)
June 21-22, 2007: Microlearning Conference 2007 (Innsbruck, Austria)
For further information and submission instructions, please visit
Research Studios Austria - Studio eLearning Environments
Tel.: +43 512 276 343-511 / Fax: +43 512 276-763