Dienstag, Oktober 17, 2006

Konferenz: "Virtual University" in Bratislava


7th international conference on December 14th-15th, 2006

Organised by
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Technical University Ko¹ice, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Information Technology
University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten
European Association of Telematics Applications
E-Academia Slovaca


The conference will focus on applications of e-learning in relation to
  • Management of Change at the University/Faculty Level
  • Engineering Education
  • Adult Education
  • Public Administration
  • European Law
  • Communication Skills and Languages Education
  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • Management & Economics
  • Experience with LMS
  • People with learning disabilities
Organization of invited sessions focussed on other problems relevant to the e-learning is welcomed. During the conference several plenary sessions will be given by leading experts working in the area. The presentations (possible in an oral form or via posters) will be split into specialized symposia. A round-table discussion will analyse actual problems of e-learning implementation in Slovakia.
Konferenz Virtual University in Bratislava

Montag, Oktober 16, 2006


Laut PISA Studie wird von jedem zweiten Schüler Nachhilfe benötigt um die vorausgesetzten Leistungen zu erreichen. Tatsächlich nehmen jedoch je nach Studie etwa ein Drittel der Schüler privaten Unterricht in Anspruch. Tendenziell lässt sich sagen dass Gymnasiasten häufiger außerschulischen Zusatzunterricht nehmen als Hauptschüler.
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